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Mobile Apps



Before you start

►You must create a "MyAccess" profile prior to being able to access the eBooks from McGraw-Hill Access Products. 
► Learn more about creating a "MyAccess" profile
All Access products are optimized for mobile use - use any mobile device to access eBooks across all Access platforms 
► You may be required to input your UMMC username/password for off-campus access


Before you start

►You must create a ClinicalKey personal account prior to being able to access the Mobile App 
► Learn more about the ClinicalKey Mobile App & creating ClinicalKey personal account

How to access the ClinicalKey Mobile App

Step 1: Download the app from the App Store or Play Store
Step 2: Click Global, click ClinicalKey, then sign in with your unique ClinicalKey username and password

Don't have a ClinicalKey personal account or activated remote access?

Step 3: Go to ClinicalKey from the Rowland Medical Library Website (if you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your UMMC username and password)
Step 4: Click Register & fill in details with your UMMC email address. 
Step 5: Click Register & Continue 
Step 6: Once logged in with your unique ClinicalKey personal account, click your name (top right) & select Remote Access
Step 7: Enter your registered ClinicalKey personal account email address (this should be your UMMC email address) and click Continue 
Step 8: Check your email and click the activation link to activate remote access. 
Step 9: Return to Step 2 for logging in to the mobile app. 


Before you start

►You must create a Stat!Ref personal account prior to being able to access the Mobile App 
► Learn more about the Staf!Ref Mobile App & creating Stat!Ref personal account

How to access the Stat!Ref Mobile App

Step 1: Download the app from the App Store or Play Store
Step 2: Log in with your Staf!Ref personal account username and password

Don't have a Stat!Ref personal account?

Step 3: Go to Stat!Ref from the Rowland Medical Library Website (if you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your UMMC username and password)
Step 4: Click Profile and then Register
Step 5: Input your information and click Register Now
Step 6: Return to Step 2 for logging in to the mobile app 


Before you start

There is no mobile app for Books@Ovid - you must use your mobile browser to view content 
► Go to Ovid Healthstar from the RML website and then select Books - you may then browse for books alphabetically by title or subject
Ovid Healthstar

LWW Health Library  

Before you start

 There is no mobile app for LWW - you must use your mobile browser to view content 
► LWW is currently working on developing a mobile app to use with their Health Library - stay tuned
► Create a free personal account to bookmark your favorites and access the personalized self-assessment experience.
► Go to LWW Health Library from the RML website, you may then browse for books or search for specific content
LWW Health Library 

NCBI Bookshelf  

Before you start

There is no mobile app for NCBI bookshelf - you must use your mobile browser to view content 
► NCBI Bookshelf provides free access to books and documents in the life sciences and healthcare
►Go to NCBI Bookshelf and search by title or browse through all titles
NCBI Bookshelf