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School of Graduate Studies: Anatomy

This guide provides research assistance for students enrolled in UMMC School of Graduate Studies.

Selected Anatomy E-Books

Anatomy Case Studies

You must be logged in with your McGraw-Hill MyAccess username and password

How to Create a McGraw-Hill MyAccess Personal Profile

You will need a MyAccess personal profile to "unlock" all content for self-assessments and case studies in AccessMedicine and other Access products.

Instructions for creating a McGraw-Hill MyAccess Profile:

  1. Go to Rowland Medical Library webpage
  2. Choose Resources/Instruction Tab
  3. Choose McGraw Hill Medical/Access Products from the center column
  4. If off-campus, a proxy login screen will appear with instructions to log in using UMMC username and password. This step authenticates affiliation with UMMC. Make sure you are using your UMMC username (not entire email address)
  5. Click on University of Mississippi Medical Center inside the drop-down box in the upper right-hand corner 
  6. Once there, click on “Create a Free Personal Profile.”
  7. A new window will appear. Click on the “Don’t have a MyAccess Profile” link.
  8. Fill in the registration form under the heading, “Create a MyAccess Profile.”
  9. Press the CREATE PROFILE button

Anatomy Multimedia Study Tools

More Resources with Study Tools