For a complete list of FAQs, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions page.
On the Library's homepage, click E-Journals in the RESOURCES column. You can browse by title or subject. You can also search by journal title.
Example: Mitchell, G.J. (2002). Learning to practice the discipline of nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 15(3), 209-212
On the Library's homepage, click E-Journals in the RESOURCES column. Type the journal title into the search box and click on the link taking you to full text (the link that does not say "Rowland Medical Library Print Collection"). Use the navigation on the publisher's webpage to find the year (2002), volume (15), and issue (3). Scroll until you see the article title, and you will then be able to click a link for the full text pdf.
If you have problems with your password, call the DIS Help Desk at 601-984-1145.
The library has no authorization to deal with password problems.
Use caution when searching databases. While much of the content is peer reviewed, that is not always the case. Below is a screenshot showing how to limit your search to only peer reviewed articles using CINAHL. If you're still unsure, just ask your liaison librarian!