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RML Library Policies

Library Instruction 
Library orientations, instructional sessions, and workshops are available to UMMC students, faculty, and staff. 
Requests for library instruction can be made using the Library Instruction Request Form or by contacting the requesters' Library Liaison.
Sarah Adcock 
Phone: 601-984-1241
School of Medicine
School of Dentistry
LaTwania Miller
Phone: 601-984-1238
School of Health Related Professions
School of Graduate Studies
Elizabeth Hinton
Phone: 601-984-1239
Library Director
School of Population Health  
Systematic Reviews 
John Sanders
Phone: 601-815-5268
School of Nursing




Literature Search
For Faculty:
By request, librarians can perform literature searches for UMMC faculty.  A literature search finds published journal articles on a specific topic by searching Rowland Medical Library databases. Search results will be emailed, and a librarian will contact you if more details are required. 
For Literature Search assistance - users should complete the Literature Search Request Form
For Students:
Your liaison librarian can help students refine their search strategy.  This means your librarian can help with database selection and brainstorming to identify relevant terms and keywords. Librarians do not write search strategies or perform literature searches for students. 
Students, please contact your liaison librarians for assistance. 


Systematic Reviews
Librarians are available to assist with systematic review or other evidence synthesis projects. Complete the Systematic Review Search Request form or contact your liaison librarian for more information. 
